Dear Mx24,
I am writing to you with a fractured mind. I have been on the waiting end of my relationship for more than 6 years and I think I have reached my limit.
“Don’t worry, it will get better”. That’s all I’ve been hearing in my relationship. My mother has been the main instigator and to be frank, I don’t see what she sees in my boyfriend anymore. When we met, we were both broke and looking forward to life getting better. Since our university days, I’ve had 3 different jobs, obtained a master’s degree and rent an apartment where we live but he’s just not meeting me at this level.
He has been out of a job for 2 years and I think he’s gotten comfortable. Because I have a job at a wholesale distribution company, I get a lot of food products for the house so I don’t have to buy much. That’s what we’ve been surviving on and because he doesn’t earn an income, I don’t let him contribute.
In all honesty, I have reached a point in my life where I have outgrown him and his love. I wanted more from life than being dragged back by empty promises and hollow visions of hope. I used to dream we will get married and have a good life together but from the way things are going, I might end up as a breadwinner. I am thinking of cutting him out of my life forever. My only fear is that he swore he’d end his life if we ever separated and initially I that scared me but I’m getting to a point where he’ll be a burden to me regardless. Even his friends are doing well in life.
I don’t want to have this guilt on my conscience forever. What do I do Mx24? Help me to fix my broken pen.