Home General News Alan Kyerematen Gives up on NPP; Forms New Movement

Alan Kyerematen Gives up on NPP; Forms New Movement


Former New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential hopeful Alan Kyerematen, has announced his decision to resign from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to contest as an independent candidate in 2024. He also declared the formation of a movement that  will offer transformation, hope and positivity  among the Ghanaian youth.

“…under the circumstances, and given the context provided I wish to use this platform to announce that I am honourably resigning with immediate effect from the NPP to contest for the high office of the President of the Republic of Ghana as an independent presidential candidate” he said during a press conference on Monday, 25th September, 2024.

“I believe I am the leader for this time…what Ghana needs now is a leader, not a new political party” he indicated

To actualize his goal as an independent candidate, the former Trades Minister said “I will establish and lead a new MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE in Ghana. The brand logo for the MOVEMENT is the Monarch Butterfly, which politically symbolizes change and transformation, hope, and positivity. It also communicates strength, endurance, spirituality, and trust, which are key traits that I cherish as a Political Leader. In Akan, it is known as Afrafranto. The brand motto of the MOVEMENT is “Ghana Will Rise Again,” which symbolizes hope for the future of Ghana”.

“The new Movement will be led and powered by the youth of Ghana. Out of the over 17 million registered voters in the 2020 general election, the youth aged 18-35, years constituted over 9.4 million voters representing 55% (Fifty five percent) of the total voters” he added.

It may be recalled that Alan Cash as he is popularly called on Tuesday, September 5 announced his withdrawal from the November 4 elections, citing various reasons.

In a statement, he said: “After having carefully analysed the results of the said elections, it is absolutely clear to me from events leading to, during and after the elections, that the Special Delegates Conference was strategically and tactically skewed in favour of one particular Aspirant…I wish to confirm that I am honourably withdrawing from the process that will lead to the Presidential Primaries to be held on the 4th of November 2023”, he concluded in a press statement.


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